Setting up the Internal stock document functionality (Poland)

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The following outlines the set-up for the Internal stock document functionality:

Tables/Files To do
Work with companies Make sure the PL (Polish modifications) application is activated.
Work with signatures Make sure the signatures of the users who will create Internal stock documents and transactions are registered.
Number series The preloaded 333 number series is reserved for temporary numbering of Internal stock documents. You must define the First number to use and the Last number to use for this 333 number series.

When an Internal stock document header is created, a TMP (temporary) document ID will automatically be assigned, along with a temporary numbering from this 333 number series.

When the line(s) (i.e., internal stock transactions) for the Internal stock document is created, the real document ID and numbering will be retrieved from the Work with document number series table and replace the temporary document ID and numbering.

The lines (i.e., internal stock transactions) that are created for the internal stock document will also receive their own transaction number. Make sure the number series used for automatic numbering of manual inventory transactions is set up.

Work with document number series Define a document number series for every type of Internal stock document you plan on creating. The numbering for the document number series will be used on the Internal stock document (by document type) when the line(s) for the internal stock transaction is created.

The same inventory operations should adhere to the same number series and ‘gaps’ in numbers are not allowed. The number series are defined per Document type.

The applicable document number series will then be connected to the applicable G/L-related document type in Work with document types.

Work with document types Define the document types for every type of Internal stock document you plan on creating.

Complete the following fields:

    System identity
    Must be G/L
    Document type
    Enter the new document type or select from an existing.
    Enter the description of the document type.
    Sign validation
    Enter the code for sign validation. This code controls which validations that should be performed for the transaction amount at manual entry. Valid codes are: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4. See the panel help.

Click the Next button and complete any relevant fields on the next panel.

Work with transaction types Define the transaction types that you want to use for Internal stock documents, if they do not already exist. They typically start with the 1000 numbers.

The accounting transactions for the Internal stock transactions will be generated into the DIS-FIN interface based on these transaction types.

Note: One transaction type can be used many times in different Internal stock transaction document types. It all depends on your requirements for analytics in Financials.

Internal stock trans doc type Create all Internal stock transaction document types that you want to use for Internal stock documents. This is the file where you connect the previously defined Document type and Transaction type. You also determine what type of internal stock transactions are allowed for this internal stock transaction document type, (i.e., Internal pick up or Internal reception), when the Internal stock document is created.

Add as many internal stock transaction document types as required, and complete the following fields:

    Document type
    Mandatory field. Enter the applicable G/L document type from Work with document types.
    Mandatory field. Indicate what type of transactions are allowed to be entered for this Internal stock transaction document type. Valid entries are:

    1 = Internal pick up (only stock decreasing transactions will be created)
    2 = Internal reception (only stock increasing transactions will be created)

    Mandatory field. Enter the description for the Internal stock transaction document type. This description can be translated to different languages via the Translate function key. The description will be used on the document and on the printout.
    Transaction type
    Optional field. Note: If you do not connect the applicable transaction type from Work with transaction types here, then it must be connected when the actual Internal stock transaction is created. Optionally enter the applicable transaction type from Work with transaction types.

    Depending on the type of transaction that is retrieved into the header of the Internal stock transaction document via this Internal stock transaction document type, (i.e., 1 = Internal pick up or 2 = Internal reception), the applicable stock adjustment accounting transactions, (i.e., stock decrease or stock increase), will be generated.

    Send by SAF
    Optional field. Set this field to Y if internal stock transactions for this Internal stock transaction document type should be included in SAF reporting.
DIS control file On the DIS control file maintenance, Number series panel, make sure that the number series used for automatic numbering of manual inventory transactions is defined in the Manual invent trans field.
Work with authority groups If you want to restrict user access to the Work with internal stock transactions maintenance program (PLDR014), security is possible to set up per:

  • Authority group: WAREHOUSE Lock access to warehouse
  • Routine: WHS
  • Object: Warehouse code (taken from Internal stock transactions – document header)
  • Authority: WHS_VIEW Browse by warehouse
  • Routine: WHS
  • Object: Program code (PLDR014)

Add the applicable users for which you want to restrict access.

Note: Security has not been implemented to objects in the enquiry program or the printout.

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